Executive Committee Information
Chair – Amy Ferdinandt Stolley (email: stolleam@gvsu.edu) – Term: 2018-2020
Amy Ferdinandt Stolley is an Associate Professor and Director of First-Year Writing at Grand Valley State University. Amy completed her Ph.D. in English (Rhetoric and Composition) at Purdue University in 2007, and her current research focuses on emotion and writing program administration and women’s historical rhetoric. She is the co-author (with Colin Charlton, Jonnika Charlton, Tarez Samra Graban, and Kathleen J. Ryan) of GenAdmin: Theorizing WPA Identities in the 21st Century, and her scholarship has been published in WPA: Writing Program Administration and Peitho.
Chair-Elect – Megan Schoen (email: mschoen2342@gmail.com) – Term: 2018-2020
Megan Schoen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric at Oakland University, where she serves as the Director of First-Year Writing. She completed her Ph.D. in English (Rhetoric and Composition) at Purdue University in 2012. Her research interests include composition studies, writing program administration, writing across the curriculum, rhetorical theory, and comparative rhetorics. Megan has published in Rhetoric Review, WPA: Writing Program Administration, The WAC Journal, and Constellations. She is a co-founder and co-managing editor of Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society.
Secretary – Scott Kowalewski (email: sjkowale@svsu.edu) – Term 2019-2021
Scott J. Kowalewski is an Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Professional Writing at Saginaw Valley State University. He earned a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Writing from Virginia Tech in 2013. At SVSU, Scott serves as the Writing Program Administrator and Co-Director of the Center for Experience Research and Design. His research and teaching interests include usability studies, user experience design, writing program administration, curriculum development, and podcasting. His work has appeared in Programmatic Perspectives and Communication Design Quarterly.
Webmaster – Logan Bearden (email: lbearden@emich.edu) – Term 2018-2021
Logan Bearden is an Assistant Professor of Written Communication at Eastern Michigan University. He completed his PhD in Rhetoric and Composition at Florida State University in 2016. His research focuses on multimodal composition, writing program administration, curricular development/revision, and outcomes statements.
Local Coordinators
Mark Blaauw-Hara – Northern Lower Peninsula Coordinator (Term: 2018-2021) – North Central Michigan College (email: mhara@ncmich.edu)
Mark Blaauw-Hara is a Professor of English and Writing Program Coordinator at North Central Michigan College. Mark completed his PhD at Old Dominion University, his MA from Arizona State, and his BA from Michigan State. Mark’s writing has appeared in journals such as Teaching English in the Two-Year College, The Journal of Teaching Writing, Composition Forum, and The Community College Journal of Research & Practice, as well as edited collections such as (Re)Considering What We Know and WPAs in Transition. He is the current Vice President of the Council of Writing Program Administrators and a Reviews Editor of Teaching English at the Two-Year College.
Brian Gogan – West Coordinator (Term 2018-2020) – Western Michigan University (Brian.Gogan@wmich.edu)
Brian Gogan is an associate professor at Western Michigan University, where he teaches courses in rhetorical theory, professional writing, and composition. He holds a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Writing (2011) from Virginia Tech and is the author of Jean Baudrillard: The Rhetoric of Symbolic Exchange (2017). His scholarship has appeared in journals such as College Composition and Communication, Rhetoric Review, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, and Across the Disciplines, as well in the collections What Is College Reading? Microhistories of Composition, Re/Framing Identifications, and Who Speaks for Writing: Stewardship for Writing Studies in the 21st Century.
Central Coordinator (Term 2018-2020) –
Elizabeth Monske – Upper Peninsula (Term 2018-2020) – Northern Michigan University
Jeff Pruchnic – Southeast Coordinator (Term 2018-2020) – Wayne State University (email: jeffpruchnic@wayne.edu)
Jeff Pruchnic is an Associate Professor and Director of Composition in the Department of English at Wayne State University. Jeff completed his PhD in English (Rhetoric & Composition) from the Pennsylvania State University in 2006. He is the author of the book Rhetoric and Ethics in the Cybernetic Age: The Transhuman Condition (Routledge 2014) and essays in such journal as JAC, Rhetoric Review, and Rhetoric Society Quarterly.